Hey friends and foes


Die!Die!get in the coffin
Mar 4, 2004
Long Island N.Y.
Whats up niggaz? Its been a while. My computer shat the bed and their cracking down at work with this internet shite. You gotta go on youtube.com and type in method of destruction. There's a funny video of the intro to the cosby show with thrash or be thrashed playing.. I put it up on my myspace. I know I'm a cunt what can I tell ya. Hey Bill let me know if your coming out to the Island 1 of these weekends and we'll catch some striped bass. We'll go out to Montauk brotha. Their hitting out here good.
Whats Up Bob

Glad to see your back. Did You see Slayer yet ? Was wondering what Your review was. I have a private beach in Rocky Point I fish at just for shits and giggles and to relax. If you feel like fishing give me a PM. When you go out of Montauk do you go out on a party boat or do you have your own ? I just got back from the 15 day Southwest road trip yesterday and my fat ass is exausted.

Best Regards

I am currently out of Prague for a week - working in the asshole of the world, quite a nice nature here and stuff. Some cuties around, too.
johnnieCzech said:
I am currently out of Prague for a week - working in the asshole of the world, quite a nice nature here and stuff. Some cuties around, too.
Your in Richmond Virginia?!?!?!?!