hey fucks so your working with kelly lad..read this!!


tv land

Nevermore - Dead Heart In A Dead World


When a band releases one incredible slab of metal after another, much anticipation begins to brew and expectations are either won or lost in the final result. I have been listening to Nevermore, and its previous incarnation"Sanctuary", since the "Refuge Denied" days. After the truly breathtaking release of "Dreaming Neon Black" Nevermore stood at the precipice of judgment and spit right in it's eye by scourging out the best metal opus since Mercyful Fates "Melissa" (Dead Heart In A Dead World).

There is no holding back as metal vox extraordanaire Warrel Dane, and guitar master Jeff Loomis weave a web of spacious, sonic and progressive metal not seen in quite awhile. Riffs come and go leaving room for various streams of vocals, drums and bass along with the twisted forecasts of impending doom and political apathetic stances put forth by the lyrically imposing figure of Warrel Dane. As a metal fan from the old days of Black Sabbath, Celtic Frost, and Bathory I feel that Nevermore have raised the bar for other bands to try and reach the same lofty level of both musicianship and listenability. The production is truly sonic in its delivery (nice job Mr.Sneap!) The guitar is set to the forefront throughout as the vocals become additional forms of earcandy in certain parts and overwhelming displays of virtual mastership in others. From the opening riff of the immediate "Narcosythesis" (where do they conjure up these titles! amazing!) the listener is swooped up and thrown down by the time we reach the phenomenal closer tune: title track "Dead Heart in a Dead World" it comes replete with all the closer trimmings encompassing a somber tasting intro which harks back to the old days of vinyl lp crackling, upon which a bombastic Loomis riff tears apart your mind in true metallic fashion, my current favorite track. Paul Simon must hear the track "Sounds of Silence" like the 3 remakes done in the past (1 Sanctuary based), Nevermore plops this one in the metallion blender and whips it up into a frenzy making it their own yet somehow they retain the original tunes flavor, this ability is yet another example proving Nevermore are head and shoulders above the rest of the metal world at this moment in time.

I implore all metal heads to get out there and purchase this cd, you will not be sorry. Go see the tour and support one of metals shining moments, Nevermore!

Nevermore - Dead Heart In A Dead World 10/10

This review is credited to:
Mike McL: Cenotaph


Ya know, i had alot of worries about the direction of this cd. here is the problem-they came true!!! In Febuary, The band lost their second guitarist, Tim Calvert(ex-fobidden), who was an incredable player. I saw the band twice on their last tour and I was on his side of the stage. I saw first handed how good a guitarist he really is, which is damn good. Its to bad that he had to leave the band, because in my opinion, they need another guitarist, Bad!!!!!

The cd starts off very heavy, but its a different heavy than we have come to love from the band. The band used a different producer(andy sneap) and tuned their guitars down to B(in technical terms, 2 1/2 steps down from standard tuning). The sound is much different than anything they have done, resulting in what i see as a step in the wrong direction. The album doesn't have a theme or concept, no ballad-esque songs, which the band does very well IMO(Dreaming neon black!!!) and some of the songs have even a modern comercial metal feeling of Fear Factory or even Korn(yes, korn!!!), which is not my cup of tea at all. The standout tracks are the tracks that sound more like what they have been doing in the past like Evolution 169, Insignificant, Believe in nothing(my girlfriend said this sounded like Creed for god sake, and she liked it because of that!!! e.d.)and the closing title track(cool old fashoned sounding intro). Overall, a much disapointment from Their last 3 cds. This is a throwback to their first album in accordance to the amount of good material. I think that having a second guitarist would have really helped this album. This is much like the first s/t album nevermore put out in 95, which had good songs, but no real direction to the whole thing.

If your a diehard Nevermore fan, then go out and get the cd and rate it yourself, but if you have never heard the band before, go get The politics of Ecstacy, In memory, or Dreaming neon black before picking up this one

Nevermore - Dead Heart In A Dead World 6/10

This review is credited to:
Eric Dust


Overall: 10/10
Lyrics: 10/10
Production: 10/10
Songs: 10/10
Musicianship: 10/10
Vocals [Singer]: 10/10
Originality: 10/10
Style: Melodic Power / Speed Metal
Bottom Line: A Nevermore masterpiece

Track Listings
1. Narcosynthesis = 10/10
2. We Disintegrate = 10/10
3. Inside Four Walls = 10/10
4. Evolution 169 = 10/10
5. The River Dragon Has Come = 10/10
6. The Heart Collector = 10/10
7. Engines Of Hate = 10/10
8. The Sound Of Silence = 9/10
9. Insignificant = 10/10
10. Believe In Nothing = 10/10
11. Dead Heart In A Dead World = 10/10

Standout Tracks: All songs

My thoughts on it: Nevermore blew me away with Dead Heart in A Dead World then they did with Dreaming Neon Black. Dead Heart in a Dead World states, in eloquent fashion, Nevermore's claim to the title of "Best Band on the Planet" and they are up there with Demons & Wizards (Iced Earth/Blind Guardian side-band), King Diamond, Halford, and any other Metal bands that brought out a cd in 2000. DHiaDW, more less, picks up where Dreaming left off; sonic aggression, built on complex song structures, intelligent lyrics, and top-notch musicianship. The CD starts out, guns blazing, with Narcosynthesis, We Disintegrate, and the politically charged Inside Four Walls. It slows down a bit, for the grinding Evolution 169, and then is off to the races again with The River Dragon has Come. The CD slows down, once again, for The Heart Collector (I love the ballad). This track, as well as Insignificant, and Believe in Nothing, showcase the band's more commercial tendencies. And while these are well written songs, The CD is rounded off quite nicely by the powerful Engines of Hate, Nevermore's eerie rendition of the Simon & Garfunkel classic, Sound of Silence (wished It was Doom Metal sound like they did with their song Evolution 169). The Title Track is awesome sounding Nevermore song ever I ever heard.

Nevermore - Dead Heart In A Dead World 10/10

This review is credited to:


OOOOOOOHHHH YYYYEEEAAA BABY its Metal like you have never heard. Metal. And its Heavy. This band just keeps getting Heavy Metalier with age. The Highlights include Narcosynthesis, Inside four Walls, The Heart Collecter, an awesome rendition of Simon and Garfunkles Sound Of Silence. Hmmm Sound of Silence, this tune is totally redone and nothing at all like the original. The Lyrics are the same but that is wher similarities end. This is a fast feirce, edge of your seat song. Sounds Of Pure Metal is more like it. Believe in Nothing also Kicks ass as does the title track.

For those of you who have never heard this band they are like what Queensryche could have been. But they are so much better. Warrel Dane has a vocal range like you would not believe. Halford would be jealous. Check out everthing by this band. Also check out Sanctuary, Warrel and Jims first band. They were discovered by Dave Mustaine don't you know. Mustaine also produced the first Sanctuary album Refuge Denied. Buy it now damnit.

Nevermore - Dead Heart In A Dead World 10/10

This review is credited to:
Steve Cardin