Hey Guys, Any Thoughts On This Mix?

Mike Moriarty

Oct 24, 2009
New song I recorded. Eleven Rack for guitars and bass. Superior for drums. Any thoughts are appreciated. :wave:

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I dig the guitar sound, but i thinkthere is a little too much low end in this mix. It sounds very boomy over my speakers ;) Also the snare sounds very buried in the mix and could propably use some more reverb.
I dig the guitar sound, but i thinkthere is a little too much low end in this mix. It sounds very boomy over my speakers ;) Also the snare sounds very buried in the mix and could propably use some more reverb.

Thanks for listening, I appreciate it. I updated the original post with a new mix. I brought up the snare a bit and took out some of the lower frequencies.

Sounds way better now ;) The low frequencies in some parts still resonate a little too much on my monitors, but a reason for this might also be my untreated room. Propably you could tame the bass-guitar's dynamics some more? The snare is way more recognizable now, but i think bass and snare could still cut a little more through, to give the song more punch. Propably a little sidechain compression on the bass-guitar and cutting some more of their core frequencies from the guitar and bass would solve this.