Hey hey


Sent from the Golden Hall
Sep 15, 2008
Hey everyone, what's up?
My name is Gord, I live up in Calgary, Canada. I've been playing guitar for about 17 years, and recently took up drumming, too. I've been a metalhead for as long as I can remember, and probably longer than that!
I spend most of my time between playing, recording, BJJ/MMA, and now school, too.

Oh man... Where to start?
In no particular order...

The Project Hate MCMXCIX, Lord Belial, Dååth, Wintersun, Keep of Kalessin, Carcass, At the Gates, Emperor, Isahn, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Satyricon, Exodus, Testament, Atheist, Cynic, Pestilence, Dismember, Solstice(florida), Dimmu Borgir, Mork Gryning, Borknagar, Nevermore, Scorpions(70's), Dethklok, Unleashed, Mayhem, Immolation, Melechesh, Enslaved, Necronomicon, Covenant, Gorguts, Old Man's Child, Grave, Martyr(quebec), Death, Behemoth , The Arcane Order, Mors Principium Est, Cavalera Conspiracy, and many more...