Hey how can you tell if a broad is cute over the phone?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Is there a way? Like certain words, inflections, whatever? Because I talk to a lot of bints at work that sound crazy/sexy/cool over the phone but I can never quite tell if they weigh 400 lbs. or not.

Any secrets?
most of the time if she sounds hot, she's at least decent

other than that i don't think there's a way to tell and there's always a few exceptions :yuk:
and chubby chicks loooooove to laugh and giggle ... adding to the confusion of horny man on other end of line
an amusing tale of these parts involves a girls gay brother fucking up with some machine on his sister, so he calls the support line and keeps commenting on how he sounds hot.