hey i have written a few reviews!


Feb 8, 2003
wes from the metal observer here!
i will state i am the most controvercial writer in metal today and that is not a brag but it seems to be my tag (i guess callin kim goss fat helped that out,unfortunatly)
i hope you guys can take the time to check out the site and listen to my metal radio show on www.metalnetradio.com!

and mark i meant what i stated in my emsil any time anything you need man! i support what you do!

wes/tmo america/radio
Whats your problem with Sinergy? Besides Kim being fat, which shouldn't matter. I don't mind Kim's voice, Alexi is great, and they make good use of both guitarists. And I love the site, (mostly) good reviews and the interviews are entertaining.
hey thanks for the reply and i am glad you mostly like the site and hope you continue to check it out!
my real problem with sinergy is that i think that and i stated this in the review,is that without the starpower of jesper stromblad and alexi NOONE,would have even givin sinergy a look.
thats why i bought the first cd.
i also stated that i thought the music was well awesome and in no way shape or form would i discount the band itself as bad alexi smokes on guitar and the resst of it is very solid and enjoyable.
i also dislike the whole im am tough attitude by kimberly im not impressed with this im bad as shit attitude from anyone,and it really left me with a sour taste coming from her,why the need to try and be such a bad ass?what is she trying to prove?just rock the mic sister!
but finally to asnswer the deep down heart of the matter.
calling kimberly fat in the review was wrong,it made no differance to the sound of the cd and it was way off colour i will admit that.
however her comments toward me on the sinergy board were simply nothing more than proof of her major insecurities!she promoted the shutting down of my computer by provoking her board members to come and get me (and actually posting my email address for them to come and get me!)i got over 500 emails and im sure several of them with nasty viruses.

it cost alot of money to put my computer back together.i have been contacted by many people since that time who have filled me up with stories about kim that simply make everything understandable.not to mention it was actually kinda interesting when all of this was going on (it caused quite a stir!)that i received emails from people at major labels saying "right on man,glad you had the guts to say what everyone else is afraid to say".

its simple dude i crossed the line and payed for it and the only reason i mention it at all anymore is because it comes up alot from other people,i have admited my mistake in many public forums including the sinergy forum.then she called me a 30 yr old virgin who was jealose of her and shut the thread down.

so good luck to her and the band,and im the adult of the situation.

wes/tmo america
@tmo: im sorry to hear such things can ever happen... but just go on with your own opinion!

i liked the first Sinergy album because Kimberly's voice wasn't that typical female voice.. but that's all.. the music is average and u were right, without Alexi nobody would care with them.
Mocika said:
@tmo: im sorry to hear such things can ever happen... but just go on with your own opinion!

i liked the first Sinergy album because Kimberly's voice wasn't that typical female voice.. but that's all.. the music is average and u were right, without Alexi nobody would care with them.

yes see it is not an uncommon opinion however i just happened to say it,i am a very outspoken individual and thats why i have the popularity i do,call me conceded if you must i have been called worse!
thing is in my short time as a writer for a metal magazine i have gained alot of enemies and alot ofallies becuase i refuse not to be honest,and i consider that a strength i was interested in taking this posistion purely because of the fact that most reviews are comletly uninsightfull and quite frankly boring ad ever living shit.
i will tell you if you suck and also tell you if you are awesome but i guarentee you you will not find it in any manner the "status quo"with me,those who know me and my writing will tewll you trhe same thing.
now i am carryting over to radio with the metal observer radio show and so far the responce has been great,and just like in my reviews im honest and to the point but unorthodox as hell.my shows are made tro make people just relkax and realize its metal man!
its alot of music with comedy sataire and me begging for attention so people will think!
i appreciate all of you more than you could ever know i am so opposed to the thought of me doing this for free cd's or for any sort of fame its completly not true i am genuinly in this for those of you who listen/read!
please if i have offended you in past realize it is completly circumstantial and listen to the radio show to get it in audio!
wes"the rev"/metal observer radio/america
www.metalnetradio.com (wed10pm(eastern/friday 10 pm eastern/saturday/10pm eastern)
for a full scedule go to www.metal-observer.com and click on the metal observer radio banner i hope you will join in sometime!