hey!! i just joined what seems to be the best metal forum!!


New Metal Member
Feb 5, 2007
hey all, im new. ive been serching for a kik ass metal forum and i think ive finally found it hehe.:notworthy yeah so anyway im corzza and i love thrash death doom just flat out metal ok hehe i am in total love with children of bodom they are my top ass band i love them so much.

any hey nice to meet you all
Chances are I don't respect you, your opinion, or your mother enough to call them back. Chances are you don't respect mine either, which is pretty much what makes all metal-lovers the same. Everyone hates everyone elses opinions, and yet they have to stick together cuz its so rare to even know what the other person is talking about. So that's me, basically, I welcome your opinions and your bashing of mine