Hey, I'm new here and ...

Jun 6, 2012
As a new member here, I'd like to say that this forum is one of the best forums to ever exist. Many posts have helped me alot(Production and Mixing to be precise). So I decided to join as a member, quite awesome. :kickass:
Now to my question, I want to practice some more on mixing and stuff. Has anyone got some DI files from his own band/project recordings he would like to share?

Thanks in Advance!
^That fucking song has been stuck in my head since yesterday...
And by "that song" I mean those 4 lines...
and over...
and over...
all night...

If it continues I might have to top myself.
Gotta say I've not heard the song... but everytime I read a sentence like this thread's title... or any sentence that could be incorporated into verse... my mind does it straight away...

...I hate the internet...
Fuck, I just read this thread again by mistake because I didn't know what it was I'd posted in here, and now that song's stuck in my head... Again...