Hey Lee

I'm happy I don't live in England. When princess Diana died, even the finnish television was fucked for weeks...
Originally posted by Downfall
I'm happy I don't live in England. When princess Diana died, even the finnish television was fucked for weeks...

Yeah, England was ridiculous at that time as you can imagine. People just lost it totally, grieving like it was one their own familiy that croaked, rather than some dim-witted coke-fiend.

There was one cool piece of television though.. A tourist stole a teddybear that someone had left outside Diana's house and got arrested. When he came out of court a TV crew stopped to ask him how he could do such a terrible thing. As the tourist was trying to tell his story this old guy came from out of the crowd and punched him right in the side of the head!

I love it when shit like that happens on live TV :)

Lee B