Hey Linda (and others)! Here's that artwork I was working on...

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Hey Linda, Iron Maidens forum peeps, etc!

Well, the band I was doing this for ended up going with another CD cover idea, so this has been gathering dust in my hard drive. Anyways, here it is...


Click the pic to see a MUCH larger version.

It isn't done yet (still need to do a lot with the circuit traces and stuff), but since they didn't use the artwork it hasn't been a priority. Someday I'll find time to finish some of my artwork (my life has been rather upside down lately, but what else is new?).

TJ <*-*>
Mr Toast said:
Hey Linda, Iron Maidens forum peeps, etc!

Well, the band I was doing this for ended up going with another CD cover idea, so this has been gathering dust in my hard drive. Anyways, here it is...


Click the pic to see a MUCH larger version.

It isn't done yet (still need to do a lot with the circuit traces and stuff), but since they didn't use the artwork it hasn't been a priority. Someday I'll find time to finish some of my artwork (my life has been rather upside down lately, but what else is new?).

TJ <*-*>
:wave: Hi Toasty! Good to see you back on the boards. I was wondering what became of you. Hopefully we'll see you in Utah again soon.
Hey Wanda and Linda!

There are some personal matters that I'm still in the middle of, and the next time we cross paths I'll explain then.

In the meantime, looking forward to seeing you again sometime soon! And thanks for the compliments!!!

Oh, and what the hell?!? No New Years Eve show this year?!? Isn't that breaking a tradition or something?
MiniMurray said:
hey linda- could you scan/email me that artwork from maiden67 and i'll post it on here
hey toast- hella killer job there my friend
*DOH!* Sorry, it's way too big for my scanner and I just haven't had the time to take it to Kinko's to get it scanned to a disc. I will get it to ya as soon as I am able. :blush: