Hey max!

so max, chances are I can come down tomorrow till friday morning or so. I shall keep in contact.

BTW, funny running into you (nikki) and dmanxpit at some random comic shop. Yes, my primordial shirt? It fucking rules.
so max, chances are I can come down tomorrow till friday morning or so. I shall keep in contact.

BTW, funny running into you (nikki) and dmanxpit at some random comic shop. Yes, my primordial shirt? It fucking rules.

I'll have to come hang with you two again sometime.

And yes, very funny. I pointed out the shirt because I knew dmanxpit loved Primordial, not realizing it was you two. :goggly:
so max, chances are I can come down tomorrow till friday morning or so. I shall keep in contact.

Cool beans. Will said that an old teacher of his is putting on a premier of a movie tomorrow night. William of the Bozarth clan suggested we go to the movie and then the three of us can make a ruckus afterwards. So you should train to Philly then we can both train out to Will.

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