Hey Max?


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
You received the intelligence at the dawn of the third sun. The droids that you're looking for have been located in a small factory on the planet Kuat. You decide to travel there, for these droids? You have been looking for them.

You arrive on Kuat and enter the factory. The door you entered closes behind you... you have no choice but to proceed.

The path is long and many battles are had, native Kuati you suspect, until you reach a fork in the path.

Left or Right, young padawan?
Are they really?

Well...this one isn't. This one is a non-orbital factory. If it were orbital, the droids you were looking for would be too out in the open, and it would be too easy to look for them.


To the right. You dash down the right hallway, and you spot them... droids. And you are looking for them. However... it's a trap! 3 cloaked men come out from behind the droids you were looking for, and begin ambush.

What do you do?!
Force throw one of the men into the other, temporarily stunning them both. Then force jumping towards the third, decapitating him with my lightsaber, then dispatching the remaining two with some good ol' force lightening before they can fully recover.
You locate a Small Utility Landspeeder. Not an exact fit for the job, but it has enough capacity, however, it requires some fixes to run properly. There also happens to be a sort of garbage transportation vehicle in the vicinity. The condition is unknown.
It looks fine. Everything seems intact... however... it is locked. You can try to find the keys, or attempt to break into it.
An alarm goes off from the truck. You hear a battalion running towards you. You are quite aware that they would over power you, and that the best option is to either run or surrender. Your options for running is a small dark hallway to the west. You have no idea what lies down there. The battalion is coming from the direction you came from.
Your sight delivers you the rancor you were not looking for. An unknown battalion closing in from behind... A rancor in arms length. How do you proceed to our cliff hanger ending?
Projecting the force into the beast's mind, I envelop it's will with my own, and persuade it to attack the battalion. With there ranks in disarray, I flee the scene in the Garbage vehicle with the droids, dodging explosions and laser blasts in a totally epic fashion. I race out of the factory to where my Sith space vessel is waiting.