Hey Mikael! Still day beneath the sun ?


New Metal Member
Nov 18, 2002
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Hey Mike! How is God himself doing these days anyways?? I was wondering what "inspired" you to write the lyrics for still day beneath the sun. I think it is one of your most beautiful songs and maybe at some "special" shows sometime especially say in Michigan *cough cough* hehe you should maybe play it in your heart if you would like to I humbly pray :) Hope all is well and that you and the band arent toured out yet! Peace
I hate these 'hey Mike threads' - if they keep on springing up in such a tempo, Mike will surely cease posting here at all...
heheh...i must agree... once mikael answers people get exited and post a similar post in hope of getting responded by mikael...
it seems like this forum should be shut down like a year or something...there´s simply nothing intelligent left to talk about :p
My god these Hey Mikael threads are getting scary. Leave the man alone. Before you know it we'll see a 'Hey Mikael What Are You Doing Today?' thread.
Just ignore them Mikey, they are mere fans. Not like me, I'm a super-fan. We could be friends and hang out....and wear the same clothes eveno_O

But seriously, it must be hilarious for Mikael to read this nonsense. Even you senior members make a sex wee in your delicates when he replies. Admitedly, when I read his bad jokes and psycho-babble....it does make my nipples stiff.

ha ha ....I make a joke *strikes a spastic pose*......vogue!
^ that's because he doesn't honour us too often... It's kinda sad that people spam the forum with such threads for him to answer...

BTW, I'm waiting for the 'Hey Per/Pear/Pierre/Pedro' one...