hey mindspell, tell me about sacres


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
I read the wikipedia article on it and would like it clarified.

so basically when you want to swear REALLY BAD you say:

"chalice ciborium priest candle pyx sacristy censer!!!!"

or something similar? (but in French) and for like 2 minutes?
Two minutes might be a little much but yeah, something like:

"Caliss de tabarnac d'osti criss de caliss d'innocent de calvaire de criss de ciboire d'imbecile"

Also sacre can be used as verbs, adverbs and adjectives depeding of the situation. Like:

"M'a t'en crisser une mon osti"

In which Christ is a verb and osti is a noun. the phrase basically mean "I'll kick you fucking ass motherfucker"
"Caliss de tabarnac d'osti criss de caliss d'innocent de calvaire de criss de ciboire d'imbecile"

Chalice of Tabernacle of Osti* of Christ dumbass of martydom of Christ of Cyborium imbecile

*no idea how to translate this, it is the bread given in the eucharist for us catholics. Small, flat and dry "bread". I have no idea how it works in other christian cults.

Of course all of the pronounciation is modified to reflect Quebec dialect so it really doesn't sound too much like the proper way to say the words. For example:

Proper : tabernacle = tAbearnAcle
Joual: tabarnak = tAbArnAk
that's crazy! do you ever feel you could slip into sacres without thinking about it, like if you hit your thumb with a hammer or something? or is it more old people or what.
I use sacre everyday for everything. It is used pretty much like fuck and shit are used, we just have a little more variety. It is not an old-people thing. We don't have bad words apart from those, saying "merde" is akin to say "gosh" and the sexual thing has no bad conotation per say. There is ways to say sexual things in an inappropriate manner but it is not swearing, more demeaning or unrespectful.

For example, "fourrer" would be the slang equivalent of "fuck" but you can't just interject a "fourrer" when you are angry, it would be like saying "cunt!" out loud, it doesn't make as much sense as conjugting a "fuck". Like if I was a jackass I would say that I will be "fourrer" that bitch tonight and it would make sense.