Hey nafnikufesin, here is what you have to look forward to!

Very cute, augdawg!!!

After she finishes learning musical theory on the piano, are you going to switch her over to some guitar lessons? :)

P.S. - Based on the ultrasound, the "release" date for Ybabnikufesin has been pushed back to October 21.

P.P.S. - My wife has vetoed the name "Ybabnikufesin". :lol:
Awwww that's cute.

8 months is a good age. Sitting, standing, crawling, teething. Good times.

I knew that name would never fly. :lol: And she'll never admit that baby is flipping us off either. All mothers are in denial about such things. I start hyperventilating when my husband talks about my son having sex at 14 (which is why he talks about it :lol: ).
Hey bRaTpRiNcEsS!

Just a suggestion, you could use Winzip to compress a photo and add it as a attachment to a post here. The Winzip will take about half the file size off, and you should be able to add it as a attachment! If you do not have Winzip, it's downloadable off www.winzip.com. Very useful tool!

You can also use any graphics program, even Paint, to scale the image to a smaller size, and then save it as a different name (that's why my scan was called "Ultrasound2").

My wife insists it's a thumb and not a middle finger...she's not even a full-blown parent yet and she's already in denial.

As for the name, she'd already vetoed it before she even realized what it meant backwards. We've been calling veto on so many names, we're thinking of just naming the baby "Veto" if it's a boy. When he's old enough to be an uncle, he'll sound like somebody from "The Godfather". :lol:

My son's name was actually like my 6th or 7th choice, because my husband wouldn't budge on the middle name (family name on his side) so I got to pick the first name, but he didn't like anything I picked out. I was also very conscious of initials spelling things out (like GLO, BLO, etc.) and stupid names in school, i.e. Andrew would make the kid Andy Orr...couldn't do it. I finally settled on Joseph, the only one he didn't go GOOD GOD NO! to, and I STILL ended up with JLO. Hopefully Jennifer Lopez will be long gone before he has to worry about it...
No he's been on the bottle for a while now. Otherwise, you're right, I wouldn't be that excited. :lol: The reason I'm excited is that he's refusing baby food because he prefers table food, but with four teeth, you're kind of limited on what you can give them. The more teeth he has, the more he can eat, the less I worry about taking him off formula in the next couple of weeks. Damn kid would live on hot dogs if I let him...
YES, that is definitely true. While breastfeeding, it smells almost sweet (sounds crazy I know, but you'll find out if your wife breastfeeds). Even just changing from breast milk to formula makes it smell worse, but once you start jar foods, forget it. Then table foods, you'll damn near pass out from time to time, and every time you think it's the worst it's ever been, they suprise you. But at least it's gradual, you don't go from not minding breast milk to the joys of hot dogs all in the same week!! YOU MUST GET YOURSELF A DIAPER GENIE. Whoever invented that is a genius. Oh and now they make toddler refills, they are supposed to withstand the stinkiness of toddlers better than the originals do. So guess what I'm buying when my refill runs out??
It's a diaper pail that wraps each diaper individually instead of just throwing them in a pile like most diaper pails do, which means that the stinky stays within it's only little coccoon before you empty it out, so the baby's room won't stink. (I also put a stick-up in the bottom of mine). It costs $20-25 dollars and refills that last about a month are $4-5. You can get them just about anywhere, Babies R Us (GREAT STORE), Wal-Mart (cheap but usually out of stock of everything), Target, KMart, etc. You can get the refills anywhere that you can get the Diaper Genie itself, but I've never seen them at a plain old grocery store.