Hey! Name your Top XX bands of all time v. your Top XX bands right this moment.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Because a sober solo Saturday night deserves an overdone thread!

Favorite of all time:
Nine Inch Nails
Morbid Angel
Alice in Chains
King Crimson
Pink Floyd
Faith No More

Favorite over the past year or so:
Pearl Jam
Hammers of Misfortune
Kayo Dot
John Frusciante

Now, which ones are liable to end up in your all time favorites say, 10 years from now?

Definitely Swans, no question whatsoever. The others could be fleeting, including Kyuss. Guess I'll find out in 2015. :)
I noticed that once the 1990's hit, a lot of science fiction movies and books learned from the mistakes of the forefathers, and started setting their stories in like 3018 or some other ridiculously distant year.

Of course, science fiction was once more about social commentary than frickin' lazer beams I suppose.
So you're including non-metal? Man, that could be anything for "all time"...the list would be huge, even if you just extended it just to hard rock (e.g. Guns n Roses, Led Zeppelin, Radiohead, etc).

Current top 10 "metal" bands (in no order):

Hammers of Misfortune
The Lord Weird Slough Feg
Orphaned Land
Blind Guardian
Nokturnal Mortum

That's not to say I'm not FASCINATED currently by:

Reverend Bizzare
Novembers Doom
Negura Bunget
Manilla Road

I need more Novembre. I have a feeling that if there other albums are like "Novembrine Waltz" then they're going to become my love puppy slave bitches. Or vice verse.
JayKeeley said:
So you're including non-metal?
You always ask me that, and I always say of course! :loco: My favorite bands of all time list is probably like 30 or 40 groups, I just went with the top of the heap. Same with the current favorite bands, just got lucky that both were only 10. :loco:


:loco: . . . .. . .
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I really, really hate these fucking threads, especially at 1:30am on a Saturday night. :loco:

You have to be more definitive and just list EVERY SINGLE BAND of all time, just so you could at least say it was attempted....even if you narrowed it down to one particular standout album from each....

The Police, Radiohead, Led Zeppelin, U2, The Beatles, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, The Smiths, The Stone Roses, Savatage, The Jam, Yngwie Malmsteen, The Who, Skid Row, Ozzy Osbourne, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Joe Satriani, Pink floyd, Megadeth...

At least 100 bands...I could keep going all night.

Hey by the way, can you hook me up with Kayo Dot (I lost the CD-R!!) and KC's Red?
Filthy Nigubian! :loco: Yeah I'll uhhh, eff-fay ee-tay pee-yay those, or something. *twitching eyeball*

A definitive list of badassitude would take a long time, how big was that Rolling Stone one from last year (or whenever), 500? How many thousands of amazing bands did that one miss. *other eyeball begins to twitch*
All Time:

Arcane Sun

Current favorites:

The Black League
JayKeeley said:
It's your thread, bitch. :guh:

Next time, in boredom, just post a thread called "Your favourite type of Porn". :lol:
So does that mean I get royalties or boner points whenever someone begins to :guh: over it? Gimme a dollar. :loco:

Favorite type of porn is Free Internet Porn, nothing finer. Well, besides actually getting laid of course.
If I had Sleeper on DVD or VHS, I'd totally be watching it right now.

Hahahaha that scene where he's flying around the field and the crazy Jewish clarinet chase music is playing hahahaa ahahah wow.
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, that's for women. Pfft. Inhibited emotionally scarred fuckers just counting the days to menopause.
Yeah, what's up with chicks that can't have orgasms? Granted, I know there are plenty of dudes that don't have a clue about the pussy and couldn't bring a girl to orgasm even given a detailed roadmap, but shit! Girls, it's okay for you to enjoy sex, it's also okay for you to solo it with a drilldo. Go nuts! Or uhh, go lips! :loco:
Yeah, not reaching climax with someone else is one thing, but not even being able to achieve orgasm on your own???

The female species is so utterly flawed. Emotional wrecks trapped in a 28 day bloody cycle of egg droppings and yeast/bladder infections, only to lead towards deteriorating driving skills, hardened foot skin, old age saggy triceps (my how we love to see them jiggle), and weekly hair appointments. :loco:
Wow. :lol:

Girls that don't masturbate make me sad. Some dudes say they never do and you know they are lying. Some chicks say they never do though, and probably quite a few are serious. Sex is like having a great sense of humoUr, if you can't laugh at yourself, how can you laugh at anything?