hey naughty boys!

Hey everyone, long time metal lover from Texas, just want to meet and chat with you guys and gals about metal. Favorite bands: Nightwish, Royal Hunt, Cea Serin, Pagan's Mind, Circus Maximus, Children Of Bodom, Mercenary. Yeah its a variety, but if it's good i like it.
Pyramaze51 said:
Hey everyone, long time metal lover from Texas, just want to meet and chat with you guys and gals about metal. Favorite bands: Nightwish, Royal Hunt, Cea Serin, Pagan's Mind, Circus Maximus, Children Of Bodom, Mercenary. Yeah its a variety, but if it's good i like it.

hi how are you sup!
gothikittie77 said:
hey, new to the web site. Just wanting to meet and talk to some metal heads!
do u know lacuna coil.type o negative r great 2 :headbang: so just write what u want