Hey New Yorkers...

is this fucking true:

The price of a gallon of regular self-serve gas in Brooklyn.

Gulp! Try $4.50!

Brooklyn gas station floors it

With pump prices rising fast, a gas station under the Brooklyn Bridge took a quantum leap into outrageousness - charging a jaw-dropping $4.50 a gallon!

That's what the Gulf Station on Old Fulton St. in Brooklyn Heights was charging credit card customers for a gallon of premium yesterday.

A gallon of regular gas was no bargain, either, at $4.14 for cash or $4.26 on plastic.

"That's crazy," said Mike Charles, 49, after gawking at the astronomical rates. "I've never seen gas prices like that before."

"There's no way I'd ever pay that much," he added. "I don't care how badly I needed gas."

Around the city, motorists were bracing for prices to crest at $3, a figure the Brooklyn station left in the dust.

A Daily News reporter spent nearly 90 minutes outside the station yesterday evening before a driver finally decided to fork over an exorbitant amount of dough for some fuel.

"I had no other options," said Carey Macaleer, 29, as she paid a whopping $49.16 to fill up her navy blue Subaru Outback. "I'm virtually empty and I'm going to Westchester."

Donald Borbee, co-manager of the station, said its prices were so high because the station's tanks are small, requiring numerous deliveries.

He added that the station functions primarily as an auto repair and service shop.

"We know it's expensive, but we don't have a choice," Borbee said.

As New Yorkers lashed out against the skyrocketing fuel prices yesterday, Sen. Chuck Schumer called for an investigation by the Federal Trade Commission to ensure that rising gas prices are not a result of corporate greed.

"It's not hurricane season, but the oil companies are just raising the price up and up and up," Schumer said. "And the question is are they doing this dictated on the laws of supply and demand, or is something else at work?"

For Ireal Hawks, 28, a Poland Spring deliveryman from Brooklyn, the rising gas prices have serious consequences.

"It's just too much," Hawks said, as he filled up his truck at a Hess station in midtown. "I can't make a living like this."

Originally published on April 19, 2006
If it is... wow! I know, even ultra premium is still less than $3 across the river. Even if that price is accurate, I doubt that's the average price, just the price of one gouger.

Conspicuously Absent said:
and $3 a gallon is still less than what we're paying up here! hahaha, more and more reason why I never want to own a car.
guess what, I'm buying one next week:mad:
it's been 2.89 for regular around here most of the week. It's been going up steadily every weekend, so I have a feeling I'll be paying $2.99 next week.
yeah saw that Fulton St gas station on the news this morning ... they are crazy.

but Premium is up to about $3.20
$2.83 a gallon the other day

fucking ludicrous. i swear OPEC just says "yeah, we're scared a pipeline might be bombed" just so they can raise prices. or "it's the summer driving season". what season isnt a driving season?
Thinking about it from a child's perspective:

1 - Why do car manufacturers keep building SUVs that run 10 miles to the gallon?
2 - Why do people keep buying them?

Seriously, are car manufactuers profits soaring through SUV sales? If there were no more SUVs, would people stop buying cars altogether?

This whole thing is nuts, but you just know the Arabs love us for it. In fact, you've got to imagine that Arabs are enticing GM to keep churning out more and more SUVs.
because people are stupid. People are sheep. people do what TV tells them.

edit: TV says buy land barge on wheels. so they do. TV says buy spinners for said land barge. and so they do. TV says listen to rap and pop music. So they do. TV says girls should wear sunglasses as big as their goddamn head. So they do. TV says guys should have short hair. So they have it.
JayKeeley said:
Thinking about it from a child's perspective:

1 - Why do car manufacturers keep building SUVs that run 10 miles to the gallon?
2 - Why do people keep buying them?

Seriously, are car manufactuers profits soaring through SUV sales? If there were no more SUVs, would people stop buying cars altogether?

This whole thing is nuts, but you just know the Arabs love us for it. In fact, you've got to imagine that Arabs are enticing GM to keep churning out more and more SUVs.
I thought the same thing when I went to the car show this year, there was like twice the number of SUVs compared to last year and I was wondering: "Wtf? Gas prices go up like crazy and manufacturers produce more and more suvs?"
AsModEe said:
"Wtf? Gas prices go up like crazy and manufacturers produce more and more suvs?"

Arab kick backs. Gotta keep the supply chain rolling. And then of course, companies like GM, Exxon Mobil, etc are all offering $$ ("gifts") to whichever political party is going to keep them profitable with nice tax breaks.
wow, this is incredible...

Remember how the reason we HAD HAD HAD to invade Iraq has morphed into "Saddam was a bad man"?


Rice Calls Brutal Oil-Rich Dictator a ‘Good Friend’

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, two weeks ago, lamenting how energy politics ‘warp’ foreign policy:

“I can tell you that nothing has really taken me aback more as secretary of state than the way that the politics of energy is — I will use the word ‘warping’ — diplomacy around the world,” said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on April 5.

Condoleezza Rice, last week, sharing a photo-op with Equatorial Guinean President Teodoro Obiang Nguema. Nguema is “one of the most brutal, most corrupt and unreconstructed dictators in the world”; he also controls the third-largest oil reserves in Africa:

The Washington Post noted this morning, “The meeting with Mr. Obiang was presumably a reward for his hospitable treatment of U.S. oil firms, though we cannot be sure since the State Department declined our invitation to comment.”

Unfortunately, Rice’s backslapping with a vicious dictator is nothing new:

In 2003, the Bush administration reopened the embassy [in Equatorial Guinea], a move sharply criticized by human rights groups as a favor to the oil companies and to Obiang. Frank Ruddy, U.S. ambassador to Equatorial Guinea in the mid-1980s, decries current U.S. policy, saying that Bush administration officials are “big cheerleaders for the government — and it’s an awful government.”
went to the NY Auto Show last night ...

usually the setup is like this there ... top floor: cars / lower level: trucks/suv's

for the last 3-4 years the lower level was THE place to be ... always packed to the rafters.

last night it was ghostown ... literally ... passing by the displays, the wow girls WANTED to talk to us and all looked super bored.

the trend is definetelly changed already ...
I love booth chicks at conventions. The auto shows are obvious, but even corporate / software conventions hire these models to hand out flyers etc. And they all line up to get the work in hopes of meeting some rich sugar daddy. Plus they're the first ones at the bar getting slutty drunk for the night. They are an asset to corporate conventions everywhere. :D