Does Micke Åsentorp have short purple hair and 2 rings in his right ear? I think I saw him on the way back from the Slipknot concert. I stod just right of him in the train (if it was him).
Well, out here at the coast it happens sometimes that they cut the hair pf someone who has went down. =)
I remember seeing a friend of mine stepping on a bus the day after a party, looking like hell in the hair.
Actually, what I heard was that he was at a party and he just decided to cut the goes to show that alcohol clouds Your mind...
And about cutting someones hair when they're passed out...
...if someone did that to me they'd better start running, and never think about stopping...
cause I would not quit until serious injury has been applied to the bastard...
Did he coloured it purple? Hehehe, the mysterious Lefay colour
Time to get the new pics online, esp. of Tony's and Micke's new look! Well I don't have Micke in purple, hehehe.
Yea, the purple hair chocked me a bit, specially after all the "purple discussions" we had here.
But it was not strong puprle, I achully didn´t notice until I was very close to him.