hey so is evolution like abortion or what?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
what i mean is that in other places of the world, do people argue against evolution or does this only happen in america?
some french dude on some bass forum said:
You really have no idea how much creationism makes entire nations laugh out of USA.
Wake up people, evolution is a fact.
well that answers that.
there isn't a giant enough rolleyes smiley to combat this little fuck:

god damn nad said:
what i mean is that in other places of the world, do people argue against evolution or does this only happen in america?
I'm sure there are people all over the world that subscribe to a variety of interesting creation stories. I'm not sure how many industrialized nations are currently fighting to remove evolution from the classroom, and in favor of their most popular creation myth. We probably have that honor all to ourselves.

General Zod said:
I'm not sure how many industrialized nations are currently fighting to remove evolution from the classroom. We probably have honor all to ourselves.
yeah, that's the question i was implying. and yeah, you're probably right.
MajestikMøøse said:
well face it, when your currency says "In God We Trust" you know that you've been fucked ever since the beginning.
what i don't understand is why this is a religious issue. why don't religious types argue against calculus? that wasn't in the bible and i'm sure there is something that totally disproves math as a whole (and then contradicts itself later), yet you never hear people freaking out for that.

"technically marge we're not even supposed to go to the bathroom."
god damn nad said:
what i don't understand is why this is a religious issue. why don't religious types argue against calculus?

Come on now, you HAVE to be able to see the difference?

Simply put the argument would be: God created calculus, along with the world, and universe.
I find it hard to believe that we were formed from microscopic organisms. If this seriously is all there is to life. Somebody shoot me and put me out of my damn misery.
snow2fall said:
Evolution is an integral part of the schedule over here. The American fight against it has become an issue too. :D
hahaha that rules.

@tully, well then god created the universe, the earth, and then evolution. :dopey: actually i know some people that think this way, which i think is just fine. i guess those that argue against it are still hung up on the whole "god created the world 4000 years ago" bit.

@1lb.ofmynakedass: i don't think there is any meaning to life outside of procreation, so i've never had a problem with it.
god damn nad said:
@tully, well then god created the universe, the earth, and then evolution. :dopey: actually i know some people that think this way, which i think is just fine. i guess those that argue against it are still hung up on the whole "god created the world 4000 years ago" bit.

Yea, i was gonna say thats another belief in itself.
I love hearing about the darwin awards stuff, those things are hilarious. but yeah, I believe in evolution, but one question remains... WHERE THE FUCK DID ALL THE SHIT THAT CREATED THE UNIVERSE IN THE FIRST PLACE COME FROM?

Big bang or not, something had to make the first "matter" that was used in the bang. From then on, evolution all the way. We're probably some like petree dish experiment or something :p
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
I love hearing about the darwin awards stuff, those things are hilarious. but yeah, I believe in evolution, but one question remains... WHERE THE FUCK DID ALL THE SHIT THAT CREATED THE UNIVERSE IN THE FIRST PLACE COME FROM?

Big bang or not, something had to make the first "matter" that was used in the bang. From then on, evolution all the way. We're probably some like petree dish experiment or something :p
this was the exact thought that turned me from an atheist into a theist when i was 19. although i still remain an agnostic theist, because i have no idea what the higher power is. buddhism is pretty cool though. :dopey:
I'm not sure what I'd be classified as. I don't really give a rats ass what said higher power is, nor do I believe I could comprehend it, but I know there HAD to be something, somewhere to create the shit. I DO NOT believe, however, that said high power is some all loving all knowing being and if we're gullible enough to go to a building once a week and throw a fiver on a plate we'll go to a great place with pearly white gates when we die.