hey steve 420

It was originally Steve42 from the deus providios forum, then one of the EZboard forums changed it because it was already taken, and I reused it...

It's pretty much useless. I'll ask Mark to change it eventually, I just didn't bother to since he seems quite busy.

Of course, most people assume I'm a stoner, but I'm not... my friends are :lol: and it's quite funny to be with 7 stoned people and be sober :lol: just don't try to set off fireworks, even if you're outside... they might chase them[/uselessrant]

"420 ways to leave your mother."
not that this has anything to do with anything, but my gf's neighbors stopped me while mowing her lawn yesterday to tell me that they caught their 13 yr old with cigarettes, pot, and "some white powder in some foil". i repeatedly asked if i could have some and eventually they left me alone.