hey steve , just wondering

I was looking at various bass players playing sweep arpeggios on youtube recently, and one thing came to my attention. I think when you start doing this technique you need to keep one thing in mind. Accuracy is the key, much as it is with any technique. The way I see it, it's pointless having any kind of advanced technique or chops if you play them with bad timing and poor accuracy. I saw bass players execute that technique using either just their thumb or just their index finger, which hypothetically is fine, only that you will have a difference in tone with the up stroke and down stroke. But what I noticed was that both ways seems to result in inaccuratly played arpeggios. Some of those guys are pretty impressive with what they are doing to an extent but if you really want to master something you need to play it to a level where you can record it and be flawless. My recommendation is to use the Adam Nitti approach; down with the thumb up with the index finger. Anyway I will get around to posting some new excercises eventually. I have a few in mind I just haven't scored them yet. I have been trying to master the double thumb slap technique lately too. What Victor Wooten doesn't tell you is that if you start doing that you are going to get a big blister on the corner of your thumb. Blisters suck and I haven't had one from playing for about ten years now. Oh well, that's the price you pay for keeping up with the Joneses.
10 years , christ you got me beat by a couple for how long you been playing. whatever man all is good on the excercises. and of course accuracy is key , use a metronome.
Actually, that's only how long it is since I had a blister. Well maybe I have had the odd one since but nothing too painful. I have been playing nearly 20 years now actually.