Hey Tad!

I just sent you a reply to an e-mail. You should get it sometime next fuCKING week.
This s...l......oooooooooooooooo.........wwwwwwwwwww
messageboard is a shitload faster than hotmail.
Well, then. I guess the postal service is faster than hotmail.
Fucking hotmail....why is my e-mail to you being fucking "Delayed'????
Oh, well. Did you watch the Taking The Music Back video 27 times yet?

........and....you know :D
Yep Sure Enough. That Last E-mail I Fucking Sent Is Fucking "delayed".....
Brat- We'll Just Use This Thread To Communicate........
So..... I e-mailed you 3 times. It's a race to see which ones (if any) you will actually FUCKING receive!