hey there dreaming neon darkspot!!!

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
I can only guess it's you! Looked like you from your profile! I wrote you a letter today and I'll send it tomorrow because I've got to finish making you a copy of Iced Earth's "Horror Show." I know you didn't ask for it, in fact I just got it last night, but it 's so great that you've GOT to hear it! I can't get the song "Jack"out of my head! It's about Jack the Ripper!!!!! So.....what did ya think of Unchecked Aggression?:p
I know you're here somewhere, you're not logged out. Maybe you're in the bathroom cuz that Taco Bell was a little too much to handle last night......
Stop picking on CT Thrash,you meanies!
Yes, Dreaming Neon Darkspot is me,awesome name,aint it?
Ooooohhhh,I can't wait to hear the Iced Earth tape,it sounds great,AND I'M SURE "JACK"IS A VERY GOOD SONG!!!!!!!!!!
Unchecked Aggression is totally killer,I love the tape.And I was listening to Least Worst of TON nonstop,I love "Black No.1","Love You to Death","12 Black Rainbows" and the Neil Young cover.I ned to get more of their cds.Sooooooo,how is *you know who*(is this your code name for him or something?)doing?
Thanks for defending me!!!! Although I don't really care what that true light dude thinks anyway. Yes, cool name! It flows well! Cool, glad ya liked Unchecked Aggression. I think they've got a bright future. He he he. *you know who* is doing fine, real REAL FINE! he he. Yes, that's the code for him, *you know who*. he he he. Well, I should probably head home now, so I'll catch ya later!

I cut you once, I cut you twice, you're my midnight sacrifice.......FROM "JACK":mad: