Hey, this is great (and may improve your life)


Feb 25, 2002
I downloaded the new version of Miranda Instant Messenger today and came to the conclusion that everyone else should as well since it's neat in a number of ways and really good - hence this thread :)

It's a little program combining all IM (ICQ, MSN, AIM, Jabber) networks within one interface, very good if you have friendes or people you need to keep in contact with on several networks. It also has a basic built-in IRC client which works fine if you don't have great programming demands or similar etc.

It effortlessly (at least for me) converts all your previous contact lists and they show up on a single list with different icons.

So download it here or look at screenshot of mine in case you hesitant: http://web.telia.com/~u14006384/mir.jpg
Looks pretty nifty, might d/l that at home. I've used AIM about 5 times in the past week, which is about as many times as I used it in the last 5 years, woo.
Hehe well in order to retain some geek credibility I might add that I've also known about it for quite some time but hasn't used since the previous versions didn't work very well with MSN etc ;)