Hey Travis!!!


Constant Lurker
Aug 22, 2001
Brampton, Ontario
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I must say that I love your work. You are pure GENIOUS!

And my friend Rex Zachary is REALLY excited that you want to use his teeth for something later on. He told me about it last night. He was really bouncing off the walls about the whole prospect. I guess he'll feel like a star or somethin'. And I can't imagine why, cuz he's among the ugliest guys to EVER walk the Earth...:lol:

Well, not much more to add, 'cept that you RULE!

By the way, do you know will you be working on the Opeth double yet? I lurked awhile back and you said Mike hadn't contacted you yet. Just curious is all...


really? wow.
Rex is a cool guy. thats funny. i feel very flattered he likes to help me out so much.

um, i dont want to say anything about opeth because i dont want to jinx it
but at this point it looks like the answer is possibly not NO.

fingers are crossed.

Mouth shut then!:grin:

Yeah, the collaboration you two did on the Silent Sphere layout was somethin' else. Tina ended up being a favorite topic of some people as a result, both good and bad. It's funny what some folks consider, oh let's just say, "naughty.":rolleyes:
...'cept at the time I said said that, I didn't realize she was sitting right beside him!:eek:

Thank God she took it as a compliment, otherwise I would've never allowed myself to speak again!:lol:
you're killin me dude.

actually what he is talking about is the Secrect Sphere t-shirt design that i did for them, not the cover. and actually, the girl on the SS cover is not the same model that is in the t-shirt design. but im sure what was said about the shirt would've fit witht the cover also. but who cares.

like he said, i love helping you out dude. i love to see my art/photos taken to the next level. and you are one of (if not) my favorite artist.
nuthing worse than a redneck yankee. :D ok TWO redneck yankees are worse

i do have all my teeth and they are clean too. i am sexxxyrexxxy right?
if you would take the time to read my stupid site it clearly says its a t-shirt design. or do you walleyed yankees not go up that far in school? :)

hey Travis, im going to work you up a bunch of thumbnails for those scans i did a while back.