Hey Ty

Went out last night and got BLASTED
I need to devote one night a weekend to grad school work
I have sars or wes nile, take your pick, I feel shitty
Relationship is in the shitter. I was shit on AGAIN
Work is stressing me out
Grad school is really stressing me out
I'm sick of the bars in my town, it's like high school all over again
My cable service now has MTV2, so I can watch HBB
I'm depressed
I didn't wake up until like 6pm (6pm!) from last night
I like to drink alone and seeth
The new Alice Cooper is surprisingly cool
God, I am a loser
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I'm sorry, man.
Fukin bitches. Fukin west nile. Fuckin shit.
Have a drink on me.
ThraxDude said:
I'm sorry, man.
Fukin bitches. Fukin west nile. Fuckin shit.
Have a drink on me.
You don't worry about me brother. As long as Morrissey and Type O Negative keep writing songs about me, and as long as Makers Mark keeps making their FINE product, I will be fine. Suicide is of course an option, but then I won't be around to watch the plight of everyone who ever hurt my feelings. Oh yes, I want to be there when they are suffering :Smokedev:
If that chick cheated on you, might I suggest driving her far away, and ditching her?
I actually enjoyed high school, and hell, now I work there, but what I get sick of is the "game" everyone plays. Like Charles mentioned in his last blast beat, the popular fuck's, they are still the same way, only now they brag about their gay ass jobs and suvs. I just get sick of seeing them spewing out their smack. I'm like Charlie, I slip in under the radar everywhere I go.
I hated highschool. Graduating from high school might have been the greatest day of my life, knowing I wouldn't have to deal with that horse shit again!
College is cool, though. That's why I'm dragging it out.
I started going to college in 1994. I'm a sophmore now.
Fuck that shit.
Chicks like that give chicks like bRaT and Maiden a bad name. I hate chicks sometimes.
Most of the time, I guess.
You should have came to the Beer Festival with me yesterday.
TD said:
I actually enjoyed high school, and hell, now I work there, but what I get sick of is the "game" everyone plays. Like Charles mentioned in his last blast beat, the popular fuck's, they are still the same way, only now they brag about their gay ass jobs and suvs. I just get sick of seeing them spewing out their smack. I'm like Charlie, I slip in under the radar everywhere I go.
I was never popular in high school. I weighed 90lbs and I was barely over five foot tall. I didn't start growing until I was 18. I had braces and pimples. The whole nine.

Well, a couple of years ago, I ran into this chick that I went to high school with that didn't even know who I was back then. I knew her of course because she was the most popular and hottest chick in school. Well, we hooked up and it was good. Kind of like a jenny jones, look at me now kind of thing but w/o having to go on tv and I got to have my knob slobbed.

I've got another one and this one is better:

When Anthrax was touring for Volume 8, they hit Springfield,va. Jaxx in December I think. It was on the same night as a radio festival gig about 5 miles away. I told the guys in Anthrax and they wanted to go. The timing was perfect because they had a late start. We rolled up to the gig and the dj's thought that I was in the band when they handed us vip passes. Charlie told me to "go with it". I had a gratifying moment when we were all walking the concourse of this place and some people that I went to high school with saw me. They were people that didn't really pick on me but didn't give me the time of day. They gasped when they saw me with Anthrax and a backstage pass hanging from my neck. I gave them a look "yeah, I don't have time for you, keep walking".
I was actually pretty popular in high school compared to these tards! Really, I enjoyed school. What I am referring to is the whole "show me" attitude that people have at the bars. I just want to have a good time and meet some cool people, I don't give two fucks about your Lexus or your $400,000 house. My honda and my $60,000 house are just fine thanks!
TD said:
CRV nigga!

I thought this was gonna be the why are all women so evil thread, but it has morphed into something else. Funny the life these things take.
yeah, I hate it when you guys go into the whole women are evil rants. I love women, they're fun to play with.
ThraxDude said:
Those are 2 of the best true-life stories I have ever read.
God bless you.
Thanks. I'm actually thinking about writing a book about my life. Seriously. Being in the bartending/waiter job gives you a roller coaster of a life and I know this one girl did it and made $$$$$. Only hers sucked I've heard because of her editor. Mine would be uncensored
Ty... your first post almost read like a poem by Vonnegut or Bukowski.

Sorry to hear some c-rag has been raking you over the coals.

My take is this... if you care about someone, set them free. If they come back... set them on fire.

I think I'm too hyper and obnoxious to do anything under the radar.

Oh yeah, keep plugging away with grad school... its one of the most rewarding feelings in the world when you get done.