hey what's that album cover with the devil hitting a bong?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
i know some of you dudes have it and praise it.

could you like, post me a sample?

that would rule.

or something.

ps: in the days before the internet, i bought unknown metal albums solely based on what their cover looked like. so i'm returning to my roots, in a modern way. yeah.


pissing: obviously talkbass.com doesn't allow hotlinking. fags.

i've seen her before. sucks. and yeah, after practice the other day we were talking about some weird disease where your skin is as fragile as a wet kleenex. when i bitch about my slightly bum knee i try to think of things like that.
i hadn't either, and i of course don't remember the name now. i guess those afflicted with it have to wear a protective layer of shitz to prevent their clothes from tearing their skin. fuck.

edit: hahahahahaha awesome.
have we determined yet that the album in question is Electric Wizard - Dopethrone? and that a lot of people don't like this band very much, with semi-justification?
hey there we go!

so what's it sound like? give me specific, mp3-like examples. :Spin:
well UM is back to its post eating ways i see. :rolleyes:

yep, listened to that a few times and i think i like it. i'm not sure yet, these dudes could end up in the ufomammut category of :hotjump: or the electric wizard category of :erk:.

more mp3s, max and en vind, i'm e-looking in your direction.
Seriously, I haven't had a beer in a loooooong time!

but i'm goin to a Woods of Ypres gig on friday, and even if it's a little iffy whether it'll be as great as the days of yore, much beverage will be consumed.
shit! speaking of beer i just remembered i have several milwaukees best!
*runs to fridge*!