Hey Will

because i was painfully bored and just when i thought i had nothing to do, a customer would come up and need something, and then they'd leave and i'd call you back and then someone else would come up.
I really thought I received the text message erroneously from some dang youngster who's time would be better spent gettin' off my lawn, what with the atrocious use of net lingo and all. I was going to tell Will Bozarth about it anyway, because well, I don't know any other Wills, but when I got back from class and started to inform Cara of my story, she interrupted with "yeah, FROM LAURA?!"

I just noticed I had another one on my phone.

Something about movie theaters and being whupped by old ladies. I sard looking at it or having an audible ring tone throughout the day.
yeah, when we went to see No Country for Old Men, we were sitting next to this group of old ladies and one of them was telling the other "you need to whip the bitches." Will and i heard that, looked at each other and i started the mass-text.