Hey yanks, would your politicians do this?


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

It's about our Minister of Culture who recently attended a Dissection gig in Stockholm... Now I don't feel like translating the whole thing but some choice parts:

"- You bought a wristband as well?
- Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool. It says 'Swedish Death Metal' on it."

"- Someone asked me to go and I wasn't hard to convince. I have a 17 year old son who likes this stuff, says Leif Pagrotsky.
He was pleasantly surprised.
- The contact with the audience and relations between the audience and band was fantastic"

"- Yes, I thought it was good. Did you say they were satanists? I didn't understand that. [...] I thought it was very calm and sober, with a pleasant atmosphere"
Hehe yeah heard about that, pretty cool actually :D


"A what? "Inverted pentagram?""

I seriously doubt that someone like him, who hopefully has a solid education in stuff concerning culture and the like, wouldn't recognize them as being satanic; pretty understandable that he didn't admit it thogh