Hey you all!


Apr 24, 2002
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Well I am SingerFinger, soon to be 24 years old finnish man who lives in båtsfjord, norway. I work at fish factory West fish aarsæther,now been here in norway a little over 6 months.
This village sucks ass, as it is so little and cold, but I make good money in here...

I have been a member of ultimatemetal.com a little over half an year.. haven`t been posting here a lot though.. but that shall change...

well..my hobbies are electric guitar(Jackson kelly X3), I have been playing soon 12 years..and still learning... and other hobbies are watching porn, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, smoking dope, and all the other healthy activity for a young man....

been into metal since I was 7 years old, my first ever metal cassette was Dio`s Intermission(pretty crappy, but it got me started anyway..

I am a huge fan of bands like Megadeth(not post-the countdown to extinction era..all that band made after that album is pretty crappy), dream theater, old metallica, anthrax, thyrane, sinergy, children of bodom, stone, early Sentenced..

well, I listen lots of proggressive music, also other than proggressive metal...for example Ozric tentacles..

well, this about concludes my story shortly, I dont want to write an essay about me, nobody hardly even reads this though..
If anyone is thinking what the fuck is the story of my username SingerFinger, there it is shortly: I am a guitarist and I play quite fucking fast solos, then, one day one friend of mine came to listen to my playing. He said that my fingers run on the guitar`s fretboard as fast as that SINGER knitting machine, and then he jokd around that I should take some kind of artist name, and his suggestion was SingerFinger....stupid, huh..?