
Rick Pierpont

Odin's Court Guitar
Oct 1, 2003
Morrisville, NC
Dustin (and the rest of the band),

I just wanted to drop in and let you know again how much I enjoyed your show at the PP4 pre-party. It was mucho cool hanging with some of you guys too!

I finally got around to downloading some of your stuff from the web site. Dude, this sh*t rocks! When are both of CDs going to be available?

I wish y'all were closer. It would be nice to play some shows with Kat5! I'm sure you would get a great response in Baltimore too! Let me know if you ever want to do a show in Baltimore!

I don't think I'll be attending the KD show in NY, but if anything changes, I'll let you know.

Take care and say Hi to Sheri.


what's up!
Are you SURE you don't want to at least go see Helloween and Jag Panzer this weekend in NY? :tickled:

It's good to hear from ya man, thanks for the kind words! I think getting out to Baltimore...or anywhere in the north east would be killer! Hopefully an invitation that we can't turn down comes our way someday. :cool:

BTW... I somehow ended up with your CD-R that you brought up to the room when you and J-Dub were hangin' out with us... I found it the other day puttting away my stuff from ProgPower (yeah... I procrastinate sometimes!) I guess Sheri stuffed it in our case since it was left in the room.... just so you are warned, now that it is in my possesion, i'm gonna be listenin' to it! :grin:

And whats with your location saying Pennsylvania on it? I thought you lived in Baltimore? Don't tell me you drive from Maryland to PA for rehersal! HOw far is Stewartstown fromo Allantown, PA? I'll be there this weekend... as well as Hoobken, NJ and in New York on Sunday...then back to Utah on Monday.

Dustin said:
I found it the other day puttting away my stuff from ProgPower (yeah... I procrastinate sometimes!) I guess Sheri stuffed it in our case since it was left in the room...
Ya didn't find an extra ProgPower 2CD sampler, didja? I managed to lose mine somewhere along the way... :(