

Progressive Viking
May 18, 2002
tr00 kvlt Norgay lolz
...just thought I'd start off my Opeth board posting carreer right away...

and for my first trick.. I'll put my head on the chopping block...

tell me what ya think of my song, Apathy...


right click and save target as...

in case you're wondering... no bass and drums because I don't have the means to add them... I've been playing guitar for about a year and two months... and started writing songs and singing about two months ago...

any questions will be answered ;)


oh... and before I forget... Bumblefoot sent me :p
heheh hey Eirik!!! Glad you came!! This place is super fun. I like it more than the Petrucci Forum because of the off Topic section (things get KWAYYZEEE in there!! a lot more "free" than the petrucci forum)

Anyway guys say hello! His song's pretty cool and i told him people here would appreciate it more than over at the JP forum (they're all pretty hardcore musicians and sometimes forget that the IDEA counts, not the distortion sound or timing or whatever) Anyway hope you post more often!
Any friend of Bumblefoots has to be preety damn insane. Welcome to the board. I'll download your song now. I'm curious how far one can go with a year of guitar, being that I'm about to start guitar soon, myself.
...I can be keeerrrazy tho'...

in time... you got to wait for it you know.. a good rant won't come if you rush it...

nice to see some people are already taking the time to download it... I invested 7 hours into it today, when I recorded it...

oh.. and this ain't really... uhm.. Metal... it's progressive something :p
Nice guitar work on that. You need to get some better recording recording equipment and a program to simulate bass & drums (assuming you can't play them yourself). Whatever you use to record works good for the acoustics, but it doesn't do the heavy riffs justice at all.

And did you have a cold when you did the vocals?

It's a good song. I hope I can play something like that after a year of practice. :)
Originally posted by Belial
Nice guitar work on that. You need to get some better recording recording equipment and a program to simulate bass & drums (assuming you can't play them yourself). Whatever you use to record works good for the acoustics, but it doesn't do the heavy riffs justice at all.

And did you have a cold when you did the vocals?

It's a good song. I hope I can play something like that after a year of practice. :)

I know about the recording.. acoustically it sounds great but the distortion sucks... but I think my former soundcard had better distortion and it's still in my computer.. I'll test it tomorrow... maybe I'll have to invest another day into the song... it would rock if I could up the quality of the distorted guitars...

and I didn't have a cold.. I think.. just a bad singing day :|
not that I'm generally good at singing ;)

thanks :)
Welcome aboard! Nice song... I agree with everybody else about the distortion (but that's a technicallity... excused... heh heh) The clean are really well done for the most part (off timing, here and there... Again, excused... Playing to click track or something helps that A LOT!) I liked the vocals...

All in all, considering you've only been playing guitar for a year and 2 months, this is a excellent song... I can see you'll be dangerous in the near future...

I've tried everything to get a good distorted sound.. I also tried my former soundcard but that didn't work either... still sounds like shite..

I COULD use the webcam microphone to record the distorted parts too but nope... it sounds WRONG... I can't even sing to loud before it starts crackling.. so I guess I'd have to wait for a) fame and loads of money for better equipment.. or b) just a nice shure microphone or something that can handle to get the live amp sound from up close...

until then... you'll have to excuse...

I also have another song which I'm gonna fully record.. tomorrow I think... :)

anyway... thanks
you know.. I recently heard a Pod in action.. a Pod guitar combo... no amp.. sounded great.. but I've got a tight budget and LOADS of toys that I'd like to get my hands on so...

but the Pod is on the list... :p

I tried to make a better distorted version today... invested a few more hours into it.. new lyrics.. new distorted parts.. and added solo and an added verse.. I might replace the file I've uploaded with that one and bump it to let ya know... unless you're sick of me already ;)