Heyy. New here.


New Metal Member
Jan 1, 2006
Romeoville, IL
Hello-Im Nicole, from a suburb of Chicago. I listen to most metal-some death/black metal, hardcore, etc. No punk or emo. Personally, I think slamdancing looks ridiculous. Yes-that is an opinion so dont send me 100 messages saying Im a poser for *listening* to hardcore. Anyways-Im definitely into the local "scene"-not a scene chick though. I work for a website called Music-Wars. Its going to be back up and running during January. Likely tomorrow-we'll see. I do have a MySpace-so check it out.
Nicole .. I should warn you, there's a feminist loose on the board. :yell:
You're female so you're okay .. though she may try to touch your bum...

I'm male so, I get evil lesbian private messages from her .. ones that cause pain to my immortal soul.

Bless you child, bless you.
WHAT! You want to meet Sylvia Brown? You do know she's one of the biggest frauds in the world, don't you?

..put down your knife emo girl!! :( ..no more cuts, no more k ... :(
Aww come on. Shes the shit. Lol-come to think of it, I dont wanna meet her. Just some of the things she says is pretty interesting-and makes a lot of sense. I guess I am okay since I got my sex change last June... :loco: