Hi all from NSW


Bored and Alone
Apr 23, 2008
NSW - Australia
I am lost, very out of date with my bands and so mindlessly wandering thru UM, but anyways hello from me in the hole in the bottom of Australia, looking forward to meeting everybody. Not much to tell about myself...
I am a woman tattoo artist (work at studio not backyarder), im going on 21 this year, and i feel so old...
Only significant thing happening in my life right now is -Besides work- i am getting a pet snake this weekend, yay!
I always thought i was a extreme metal-head, but judging by all the people on here that are so wise and talented, i know nothing and need some education...
Last Cd i bought was Mansons 'eat me,drink me' last cd i stole off my cousin was Children of Bodom. So yeah, im pretty useless.......