hi chromatose


mollusks suck

it seems to me from your posts that you are an ominous and malevolent soul...
i hope you ignore the friendliness i see some creatures bring to you in your undersea habitat - seems like a lot of bs actually, YOU SHOULD EAT THEM ALL
mollusks can be such tasty creatures
Thanks, that's very true!!
You know, someone bought be breakfast at the local squid club, and they were so right!
From the day I hatched as a little squidling,
I've had a cannibalistic hunger, and the best thing is, that is in everyone
Indeed, the evil inside.
My squid ink,
It's just a defense .. and defenses are made for protection,
but it would be put to such better use BLINDING MY PREY, and
feasting on their tasty flesh.

I've never really tasted mollusk at all...not even in the site aquarium, but it smells good nonetheless.
mollusk rulz..it's the first thing that i've tasted in the ocean,and may i say the one i like most..
That's all i'm trying, to be EVIL..
i really liked the taste, Thnx for the advice! ;)


Cthulhu and i just toasted on that!

Yes Chromie, you just ignore that bull-shit certain mollusks are telling u here, if they only knew u personaly, they would be speechless, as for I am speechless from ur MALIGNANCE, you got it going on squiddie, you know what u want in life, and u go for it, KILL THEM ALL. Keep on keepin' on eatin, squidly.

--tommy the trout
Yeah well, we've talked about this. ;)
You're a strong DEMON FISH yourself, TOMMY!!
Pfff, i'm full, i've eaten all I could, so..
Time to go puke it up!! I hear more MOLLUSKS NEARBY...
This sure is a wonderful feeling to go to the vomitorium with!!


nice to see i'm not the only one who sees this
tartar sauce is what i need and it makes sea creatures taste so delicious.
it just pissed me off seeing that food go to waste
so there ya go
glad you're so fiendish chromatose
It's good to see someone step up and brutally feast on the innocent.
fo'bidden trout said:
It's good to see someone step up and brutally feast on the innocent.

yup, devour them all.
I saw that shit, swimming in a school of fishes, I don't want to see it when I'm alone in the bay, you know?
I don't even know chromatose or anyone here for that matter but seemed like he was pretty hungry.
Flounder on.
worst thread ever.
makes slobo cry :cry:

slobodan M said:
worst thread ever.
makes slobo cry :cry:

Slobinem will never cry. he's the biggest mind of the era, and a loon of God's creation! God invested all he got in creating him, that's why the rest of the world is falling apart.... :D

I vuv this thread! :devil: