hi everybody - im new!

Welcome to the pleasuredome, Miri!
Waters are fine on this board, although some waves
can make you drown!
I hope you're a good swimmer!!
Enjoy your stay!

*takes place in the circle*
Any one wants to know something?
I'd be happy to tell if i am able to..

HA!! this brought up a memory, Wolftribe!! lol
I once sat down in the group i was working with and had a chat with the entire group, instead of an individual approach.
It was one of the best days at work, when i was an intern during my Social Work study.
The entire group was telling or counselling eachother in some way, about what it's like to be in de-tox and what it is to live in such circumstances. I was really new and fresh at that time, working in that company..but that evening is what i learned the most from.
I only had to ask a question about how it is like to be in their shoes..it was a "rich" evening.

Ok, was a side-step..but it just popped in my head.
Wolftribe! you and your idea's!! :p

hihi, yup!
i'm a convo-whore! ;)
I like to fill in silence and spaces. :loco:

ah well, LoM.. good thing to know there are pple here
who like to read, and read, and read some more! ;)
BUT!!! you're lucky..i'm signing off now, going home.
Gonna see if my bed is still standing!!
So you may be the post-whore-lord from now on, ok?
You fill in space as much as i do, maybe even wasting space but that's not to me to judge.. i was placed and judged somewhere else!
buh bye!! :wave:
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Jesus, I was just joking. Did you not see the tongue? Bitch. :D All of the times that I have taken up for you, and then you talk to me like that. BLASPHEMER!!!!! ARGH!!!! Some people.
distorted red-head said:

my name is miri and im new here .

Welcome, eh? I'm Phil and I don't like sitting in circles...if I can't have my back to the back corner of a room, I get jittery... This is a good group, here... much more talkative and interesting than any of the other forums I frequent.

Have fun and don't forget to close the door when you leave, at night -- if some of these folks got out.... :D