Hi everyone!!!


Viva Perón! (?)
Apr 16, 2007
Hello People!
I'm from Argentina and I discover Borknagar in November of the last year.
It's simply an amazing band that puts their hearts and soul to the music!!
Well, about me :eek:. I play Bass in 2 bands
*one of Progressive metal and in the other I play Jazz/Funk/Melodic.
I'm planning to form a Black Metal Band (like Borknagar) but putting some Folk elements of my country.
That's it :p

Well, see ya around the forum.......

Pd: My english language it's really bad X_X

No te preocupes, tu inglés es bastante bueno, creeme que han habido usuarios con un inglés tan horrible que no siquiera se debe de mencionar :lol: .

As I am an English teacher, I feel teh need to correct hehe:

bajista_metalero said:
Hello People!
I'm from Argentina and I discovered Borknagar in November of -the-last year (mejor: last November.).

It's simply an amazing band that putsit's heart and soul in it's music!!

Well, about me . I play Bass in 2 bands
(one of Progressive metal and the other one of Jazz/Funk/Melodic).

I'm planning to form a Black Metal Band (like Borknagar), but putting some Folk elements of my country.
That's it :p

Well, see ya around the forum.......

Pd: My English is really bad X_X

:) Ah y bienvenido :kickass: , esperamos verte mucho por acá.

No te preocupes, tu inglés es bastante bueno, creeme que han habido usuarios con un inglés tan horrible que no siquiera se debe de mencionar :lol: .

As I am an English teacher, I feel teh need to correct hehe:

:) Ah y bienvenido :kickass: , esperamos verte mucho por acá.

eh!!! Gracias por las correcciones, me uni a un foro de metal y termine aprendiendo gramática :p.
Thanks!! i will try to post a lot of messages, but with sense :p.
See you all, I'm late for the University!

Good luck and keep it metal!:headbang: