Hi I am Joe


New Metal Member
Feb 16, 2017
I just joined this forum to ask a very specific question, then figured it looked appropriate to post an introduction thing like this first. I am a big metal fan so it's not unlikely I'll use the forum for other stuff than this one question.

Classifying genres of metal gets crazy. It's like a fractal. Every corner branches out into more complexity. I'm not even totally sure if some of the heavy music I like is considered metal or not. But here are some of my favorite metal (or heavy music) bands, to give an idea of my taste, in no particular order:

At The Gates
Amon Amarth
Clinging to the Trees of a Forest Fire
Flesh Parade
Anal Cunt
Pig Destroyer (strictly early stuff)
High Spirits

I started listening to Metallica, Black Sabbath and Guns n' Roses when I was in 7th grade, had a metal band in 8th grade where all we could do was play For Whom The Bell Tolls cuz it was the only song we tried that didn't have a crazy guitar solo. I went through a few music phases in my teens like cheesy alternative, then ska, punk, polka, lo-fi, Neutral Milk Hotel, Captain Beefheart, Ol' Dirty Bastard, before remembering that I loved metal. Then I gradually got into heavier and heavier stuff. Now I like a lot of different types of music. I like to try to seek out something I like in every genre. My general opinion is that most things suck within any given category, but if you look hard enough you can find something awesome.

I did vocals for a few grindcore bands within the past 10 years, most notably Rated R, which was around for 2 years in NY and we were infamous for getting shut down every time we played a show either for being too heavy, for inciting violence, or for getting the cops called. So we were really popular in our community. I usually do vocals when invoved in making metal but also play the guitar and the accordion. I now have a band that incorporates accordion into a melodic grindcore type sound, called Your Marginally Talented Photographer Girlfriend. We have 3 very short albums. I made a bunch of videos for Seth Putnam's band Full Blown AIDS by re-editing Richard Simmons workout videos, in exchange for his approval. These are very popular in Youtube even though my other Youtube videos are better.

That about does it for my general relationship to metal and heavy music. Now you go fuck yourself.