hi iris


girls suck

it seems to me from your posts that you are a sweet and caring soul...
i hope you ignore the nastiness i see some people bring to you here - seems like a lot of bs actually
women can be such petty creatures
Thnx, that's very sweet.
You know, another 1 has told me, and she was so right!!
She told me on my birthday ;)
Best thing is, it's in every 1, although some may not know
where to find it.
Yup, it's the beauty within.
Aren't we all searchers, to find something to believe in?
That, is beauty from within, if i may say so.
And the nastiness?
Hmm, just depends of which side you are..
if you have a certain kinda view, you always see the vulnerability,
no matter how bad the nastiness is.
It's a defense...and defenses are made for protection.
I just don't like to crush down walls.. i'd rather see it happen,
that 1 decides to put it down, themselve.

I've never really talked to Iris at all...not even on the site board, but she's cool nonetheless.
That's all i'm trying, to be human..
i really liked that, Thnx Panos! ;)


Simone and i just toasted on that!

Yes Iris, you just ignore that bull-shit certain women bring u here, if she/they only knew u personaly, she/they would be speechless, as for I am speechless from ur beauty, you got it going on girl, you know what u want in life, and u go for it, and ur so honest not only with others but to urself as well, such a beautiful quality Iris. I think certain ppl are just plain and simple, TOO JEALOUS for their own good. Its hard for them to except ppl for who they really are when they can't even except themselves first. Im sure you let nothing get to u anyway, You just keep on keepin on girly, ur beautiful.

Yeah well, we've talked about this. ;)
You're a strong woman yourself, Brandi!!
Pfff, i'm out of words, i've said all i could be, so..
Time to go to bed!! Hypnos just called me...
G'night pple!!
This sure is a wonderfull feeling to go to bed with!!

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:
nice to see i'm not the only one who sees this
jealousy is what i see and it makes people look so horrible
from what i have noticed, iris seems to have someone practically stalking her!
and it just pissed me off seeing that shit on the nevermore board
so there ya go
glad you're above it all iris
ForbiddenAngel said:
It's good to see someone step up and tell it like it is.

Well thanks, and you seem like an exception to my user name here. :)
It was just hard to see what looks like bullying and snottiness - I saw that shit in High school, I don't want to see it when I'm on a website, you know?
I don't even know Iris or anyone here for that matter but seemed like she was pretty alone in dealing with the crap here.
She handled herself in such a beautiful way but I had to add my harsh observations though.
I don't like seeing nice people shit on.
Carry on.
GS...Thank you. Beauty recognizes beauty....

Iris IS an incredible and amazing individual...she leaves me speechless and humbled everyday with her honesty and wisdom...I love you sister...you know you are my heart...thank you for making the earth move :)

The Riverdragon has come...

Deconstruct my Reality said:
GS...Thank you. Beauty recognizes beauty....

Iris IS an incredible and amazing individual...she leaves me speechless and humbled everyday with her honesty and wisdom...I love you sister...you know you are my heart...thank you for making the earth move :)

The Riverdragon has come...


Speaking of beautiful................
Deconstruct my Reality said:
'bows to the Angel' ....love you too girly! :)

(L), O's & X's!

Hugs to all the women here that don't suck. :)
Damn female bonding is so rare these days.
Yes, Iris is actually a human being. A very strange thing to see in this fabricated world we live in. Oh, and she understands my poetry, you rock Iris. :headbang: