HI metulheads!

C11 H17 N2 O2 S Na said:
IconOfSin, is that a real picture of 'Dub'ya'? Sorry, I don't know if you've already recieved that question. I just think that picture kicks ass! Hell Yeah! :headbang:
It's real, but it's some texan thingy.. something about longhorns ;)
Taliesin said:
It's real, but it's some texan thingy.. something about longhorns ;)
Oh, that's right I have heard that before. That also reminds me of the movie 'The Breakfast Club' , the part where the teacher is telling the troublemaker that he has him for two months (or something like that). He uses the same sign. :headbang:
Well, we Metalheads have Ronnie James Dio to thank for bringing that sign into the Metal world. :headbang: