Hi, new metalhead here \m/


New Metal Member
Apr 28, 2009
Hi guys,
new member here :)

Glad I found this forum, been looking for a proper metal forum since Iron Maiden forums got cancelled like 3 years ago.
I'm 20 years old, I'm from Slovakia (central Europe, no, not eastern) and I've been into metal since 16. It's by far the best thing that ever happened in my life, I can say it changed my life to the better :).
Atm Im a freshman at Law School. Also, I'm a drummer and I've been accepted to (IMO) one of the best metal bands from Slovakia, so feel free to check us out and leave a comment :)

Amongst my first bands was Iron Maiden, they really got me into heavy music. Then came old school metal stuff, like Helloween, Megadeth, Judas Priest. When I saw Manowar for the first time, I got totally obsessed with them and have been a total manowar addict till only a while ago. I'm really dissapointed the direction they are going and nowdays it's more of dirty rock & roll that's keeping me alive. Motorhead is my religion, then it's ac/dc (seen them live a month ago) and underground stuff like Volbeat and the less known rock & roll bands.

Well, that's about me, time to jump into some discussions and get banned :P

This is me
