Hi Spiffo!

Its a holiday, but I thought id come in and see if I had to catch up on stuff. I dont though amazingly. Plus I get paid time and a half today, and get an extra day on my holidays to make up for it, so its not so bad :)
I got up at 530am this morning because I looked over at the clock, saw the time and decided to get up. I started at 630am, but I could get up at 6am and still make it here by 630am if I really wanted to, I just dont feel like rushing in the morning. Its a 15 to 20 minute walk anyway.
I can never work out whether you are just being sarcastic when you say things Spiffo, so from now on im going to assume you are, ok? :)
Goreripper said:
Yeah I'm a poorer bugger today because I had to get up at 4 to be at work on time. Spawny can walk to work from his swanky new penthouse. I have to catch a train with the dregs of society.
Our train service is the best in the world, I have no idea what you are complaining about!

Why does everyone call it a swanky penthouse? Its a single, loser guy who reads RPG books, listens to heavy metal (like it or not, not exactly something that impresses the laydeez), pays rent, and eats strawberry yoghurt at 6am for breakfast, after having soup for dinner the night before. With muffins. Not so romantic now is it?