Hi to all!!! I'm new to this board!


dead soul
Jun 27, 2002
Hi to all the people here! :)

I'm new to this board (as a registered member). Stopped by nearly every day in the last months. Now I thought it's time to register. I'm an Austrian Katatonia fan since the "Discouraged Ones" time.

I look forward for some interesting discussions and I'm pleased to be now here within your rounds. :grin:

Welcome to this board! Nice to see some new people in the last few weeks...
Ich freue mich, dass du aus Österreich kommst! Ich liebe Österreich! letztes Jahr habe ich zwei Semester in Innsbruck studiert und es war wircklich super!
hi ether!

Where are you from? Your German is very well! - So isn't my English though... I think... :) I'm glad, you like "my" country! :spin:
Originally posted by doom_dragon
hi ether!

Where are you from? Your German is very well! - So isn't my English though... I think... :) I'm glad, you like "my" country! :spin:

I'm from Italy...and my German is getting very bad since here I can't practise it very much...But in two weeks I'm going to Germany, I hope it will help! Actually in Austria I learnt more dialect (Tirolerisch) than German!:)
Hello, I'm from Finland...listened Katatonia since Brave Murder Day...or Discouraged Ones, not sure, but BMD was the first one for me :)