hi to all people


Sep 6, 2003
Hi to all folks around here. I am new in the forum so i thought it would be good to introduce myself. I am yavuz from istanbul, a friend of don corleone, and i ate kebab with duncan, mick and mehdi in Istanbul. Remember me? I was the one with the glasses :) .
Well, here it is. Hope you remember me, it was an important night for me :)
i think thats because of geocities. i saw the pic in another window tho and it worked and yeah i remember you dudos, welcome and that like :D
that was the first night we were in istanbul right? in that big restaurant where i nearly choked? thats cause i was a bit tired, the trip and that *cough*
i didnt refuse, its just that i had a bit of everything. its like you had all this stuff on the table and i had a bit of everything so before the actual meal showed up i was already stuffed. i was going through a guilt trip too. oh and without was there so i couldnt feel like eating, i was mesmerized by her eyes.....GODDESS.