

Power of Doujutsu
May 2, 2004
Hi there,

My real name is David, I am a personal friend of none_so_vile (Gareth). I keep seeing him on this forum so I thought I would finally bring myself to signing up.

Ive been interested in metal for a few years now however I don't venture too far into the dark side (Gareth will know what I mean ;)). I am a huge Metallica fan and I also listen to bands like Iron Maiden, Warmachine, Static X, Slayer, Probot etc.

The first album to ever get me into metal was strangely enough Metallica's S&M album (an odd start to get into metal i know)

Anywho, cya all around.

Profånity said:
You sound like exactly the type of person this board needs.

Oooooh care to elaborate? :)

Lady of the Oracle, cheers for the warm welcome :)

Just like to add, im more or less a geek, computer hardware enthusiast to be exact.