High pass/low pass for guitars/bass/etc


Dec 29, 2011
I just started messing around with high pass and low passing instrument. As a
General rule, setting up a template ...for a good mix with each instrument..where do u guys high pass and low pass guitars, bass, drum pieces..kick snares etc?
my starting points are more or less like this:
guitars - hp@100hz, lp@9khz
bass - on bass group hp@30hz, lp@9khz
kick - hp@30hz, lp@10khz
snare - hp@100hz, lp@12khz
Have your bass and guitar playing at the same time, drag a highpass on the guitar slowly up until it begins to feel as if something's missing from the guitar, then pull back the highpass a few Hz. It's often much higher than you'd think.

Same for lowpass, drag it slowly down with the whole mix running until you feel there's some highend missinc, then pull it back up a bit. Also usually a lot lower than you'd think.
I use a Hi Pass Filter on almost every track. I don't really use many low pass filters except on guitar and bass, and perhaps when going for a certain effect. Most of the mics i record with roll off where i need them to. (sm57 rolls off around 15khz)
Have your bass and guitar playing at the same time, drag a highpass on the guitar slowly up until it begins to feel as if something's missing from the guitar, then pull back the highpass a few Hz. It's often much higher than you'd think.

Same for lowpass, drag it slowly down with the whole mix running until you feel there's some highend missinc, then pull it back up a bit. Also usually a lot lower than you'd think.

simple but effective THX