HIGH SPIRITS from Chicago


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Anyone familiar with this band?


If you aren't, I HIGHLY suggest you do so soon.

You will be hearing about this band!

Cruz Del Sur just re-released thier 2 demos on CD.

Saw them last night and they blew me away.

Old school trad / NWOBHM with touches of lighter metal (ala Scorps, etc).

Thanks to Bob (Diabolik) for turning me onto these guys.
Sounds brilliant!

I do believe I can hear a bit Y & T and Triumph in that as well. And, yes that is a good thing.

Agreed, even some hints of Whitesnake at times.
Though the overall structure is definitely NWOBHM.

A definite must for fans of lighter NWOBHM, ala Diamond Head.
the band also features Chris Black from Pharoh on vocals. I have seen High Spirits twice. Both times they have been amazing. At first it was just a studio project that was just going to self release some demos but they got an offer to play the Cauldron / Enforcer Chicago show and things took off from there.

They are playing in June at the Red Line Tap with Zuul. Any chicagoians need to be there. They played last night with Ignitor from Texas now with the ex-Dangerous Toys / Watchtower singer. Pretty good stuff. Nothing I would race out and buy but greeat old school metal.