HINDER - GET STONED COVER ! slate + soloc


Dec 7, 2004
santiago, chile
Hey guys whats up... long time without posting a mix here :Smug: i know this is a metal forum but here is a try with pop/rock and most of you must hate this band, except me :)

so this is a cover i recorded today of hinder and the song is " get stoned " using slate drums kit " beefy dry "


drums has compression + some roll-off EQ and guitar are soloC fullstack with Catharsis mpulses. no bass and vocals, is someone want to sing it and add some bass would be cool :)

opinions are welcome
I would love to hear some more of this style on this forum because I feel this style is very hard to mix because of the massive low end.
The playing is great. Cleans need a little more warmth to em but sound great. On to your mix drums sound good, guitars sound too digital too upfront, maybe back off the gain a bit. If you could get some bass on this ...make the bass massive, drop the guitars a few db maybe back off the guitar gain a bit and let us hear that version as well. Interested in how that would sound. Thanks for posting this.