"hipster" jamz


Jun 25, 2008
post em, i know you've got them


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This thread was made for me wasnt it ryan?
should be renamed to "I'm trying to turn joel into a hipster so please help and post more links"

haha but keen to see what else pops up.

Also sleigh bells. their recording seems weak compared to the live mixes. I expected fatter beats and bass like the live show seemed to have.
Last time I checked, you didn't have to be a "hipster" (whatever that's supposed to mean) to enjoy indie music. Am I missing something?
Oh lawd, end well this will not (and this is coming from a guy that's been listening to indie for many many years now)
this is propably OT, becouse it's more of a straight-up pop song, but I really dig this tune:

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So this is the band he's in. How do you go from Poison The Well to this? lol

another example: jimmy lavalle !!!

from this:

to this:

...it happens. ;)
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Fuck me I love these chicks and everything about them, they remind me a lot of Jesus and the Mary Chain, and also somewhat of My Bloody Valentine (both big guilty pleasures for my metal trueness)

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